Thank you to all who came out to our walks and events in 2024, but first, happy new year! I’m so excited to see what we’re going to do this year. We honestly don’t have any concrete plans yet but would love to put together more official events, workshops, host some walks even further outside NYC, partner with more community groups, and more. But we also want to hear from YOU and bring your ideas into life! Fill out this form if you have ideas, thoughts, etc.

So I did a bit of data gathering just for fun, and got some numbers for ya’ll! It’s incredible to see our community of photographers growing not just in numbers but in diversity. The different kinds of backgrounds, artist types, photography levels, and more make these walks so interesting. I’ve been learning so much from ya’ll and can’t wait to see what we all learn this year together.

This year we had 277 of you come out to our photowalks and events, including our first ever Uptown Photo Fest in Recirculation and NoMAA studios, and our Femme Portrait event in Fort Tryon. We also walked around about 20 neighborhoods in NY and NJ, including but not limited to those below.

Walking around all these neighborhoods adds up to a LOT of steps being counted. Did you hit your daily goal on our walks? Let us know! In total we hit more than 81,530 steps. This was calculated by distance x average steps/mile. I’m sure we easily hit much more.

Speaking of distance. On average we walk about 3 miles per walk, but of course some are longer, or shorter, depending on the route. In total we walked about 35.54 miles in 2024. That’s well over a marathon!

If you want to check out the actual paths we took, and distance, check out this sheet I made.

I still can’t believe how amazing Uptown Photo Fest was. Thanks to Carlos Deschamps  and Sam Popp for putting this together with me. Carlos has been part of UPW for many years, and of course he was going to be part of this event, but it was also amazing to have Sam get on board for not only this, but a walk in Inwood park and our Femme portraits event with Monica Patten this summer. It was something I’ve always wanted to do, and to have our ideas come together and flow so well was beautiful. Most importantly, it looks like people really had fun, learned a lot, and made connections at the Photo Fest, and our walks.

Hope to see you this year at our monthly walks and other events!

- Emmanuel

Check out some of the best photos of 2024 below!

Photos by Emmanuel Abreu, Carlos Deschamps, and Sam Popp.



Photo Recap: January 18, 2024. Astoria Park


Photo Recap: December 28, 2024. Belvedere Castle